Taganka Shed inclusive theatre company has celebrated the close of the season by holding an Open Lesson for a varied audience of participants, who have seen for themselves that getting involved in creative activities is a very effective way for developing children's skills, personalities, initiative and relationship building, self-realisation and opportunities to express themselves, to find new potential, to learn communication skills and accept each other as we are.
Открытый урок в Таганка Шед.
Taganka children's fund has taken part in the celebration at Shkolnaya street on the occasion of the Day of Protection of Children. TCF has shared information about its services and programmes, as well as presented the produce of the Warm-Hearted workshop.
Празднуем День защиты детей
Taganka children's fund has taken part in the VIII Moscow forum "Our Moscow - making the city together", organised by the Public Chamber of the city of Moscow and the Committee of Public relations of the city of Moscow. The programme director of TCF Sergey Borzov has moderated the discussion panel "There is a way out in the difficult situation", which included socially-oriented NGOs, state organisations in the sphere of social protection, education, police, union and citizens. The discussion led to constructive results, including preparation of specific proposals and recommendations for the Moscow Government.
VIII Московский гражданский форум-2017 "Наша Москва. Делаем город лучше"
We invite you to participate in the amazing celebration on the 1st June 2017 at Shkolnaya street at 10am. Circus, zoo, master-classes, competitions and quizzes, as well as lots of sweets for children are all in the programme of the event. Please come join us on the day! It will be great fun! We look forward to see you there!
День защиты детей
Members of Rostochek group together with group leaders have attended the children's music performance " The Toys Escape" at the Anton Chekhov private theatrical company. The Theatre is working on the socially important project - "The Theatre Helps in Training, Development and Social Adaptation of children" funded by the presidential grant. Rostochek participants received a practical lesson on social adaptation on transport and at the theatre. Following the event, children have exchanged their impressions and favourite moments from the performance. Taganka children's fund would like to heartily thank the Anton Chekhov Private Theatrical Company for the great pleasure that the children have received from this event.
Адаптация в транспорте и в театре
Taganka children fund's programmes on professional development of the socially-oriented NGOs were presented by TCF's programme director Sergey Borzov at the Impulse of the Social Changes Forum, that took place on the 15-17 May. The presentation was made at the working group "New approaches to the regional family policies". First results of the joint work of TCF and the National research Tomsk state university on developing innovative methods of preventive social work with dysfunctional families have received recognition of the participants of the Forum. It was noted that our proposed methods of cooperation between the socially-oriented NGOs and state institutions, which were developed based on the experience gained by TCF in its work with Department of labour and social protection have both the practical value as they raise the services quality level provided to families at risk and contribute to formation of favourable conditions to improve access of socially-oriented NGOs to the market of social services. The following steps will include presentation of project at the 2nd Social Forum in Krasnogorsk.
Форум «Импульс социальных изменений»
The Union of the actors of Taganka is preparing to announce the results of the drawing competition for children The Art of the Little Spectator. You can see the results of the voting by following this link to the Holiday with Children website: Category for kids under 6 years old - http://www.osd.ru/contestp.asp?id=16&m=1 Category for kids from 6 to 12 years - http://www.osd.ru/contestp.asp?id=17&m=1 The final event - announcement of finalists and awards to winners will take place at Taganka children's fund on the 27th April.
Итоги конкурса "Искусство маленького зрителя"
We are pleased to announce the launch of excursions around Taganka district for families with children. The first one will be led by grandmother Tatiana and will focus on the nature of the district and a visit to one of the oldest Moscow monasteries - Novospassky. Please join us on Saturday 8th of April at 11am near the entrance to Novospassky monastery (Krestianskaya square 10). Don't forget your photo-cameras and easels! The best works will enter the competition - Our favourite Taganka district. The walk will last for 1 hour and will be followed by tea and biscuits at Taganka children's fund at Marksistsky per. 3. We will especially look forward to see ladies named Larisa as this will be their name-day.
Любимая Таганка
23rd of March saw the first meeting of the programme of My Family social quest. If you would like to make your life more interesting, active and filled with events, you are very welcome to come and join us at the next meeting, which is titled Learn More and will offer a seminar on the basics of social entrepreneurship. The session will be conducted by the general director of the Agency for Social Projecting Sergey Golubev. Please join us on the 30th of March at 5pm at Marksistsky per. 3. We look forward to see you there!
Социальный квест "Моя Семья"
Таganka Children's Fund is pleased to invite to the 12 th Charitable Bowling Tournament, which will take place on the 26th of April 2017, 18.00-22.00 in the coziest and most generous bowling club in Moscow - "Bi-Ba-Bo“ (Karmanitskiy pereulok 9, metro Smolenskaya) Terms of participation: teams of 4 players, if you don’t have a team we can offer you participation in a combined team. Donation: 3500 rubles per person Booking: tcfcharity@mail.ru, or +7 (495) 911 74 49 We look forward to see you ! The major sponsor of the tournament is Bowling club "Bi-Ba-Bo“
12 ежегодный турнир по боулингу
Taganka children's fund would like to heartily thank the experts from the Moscow city association of the parents of disabled children headed by Yulia Kamal for attending one of the social rehabilitation classes of Rostochek group for disabled young adults and offering their professional evaluation and advice. The visit took place on the 22nd of March and led to development of a number of ideas and interesting future activities being planned.
Экперты МГАРДИ в группе "Росточек"
This was the title of the recently performed concert by Rostochek group participants, who have prepared the music performance together with their teachers. All participants of the group had a chance to perform, no one was left out. And to support this brave beginning, another music group - TCF's Dobry Molodtsy- have supported Rostochek with music compositions of their own. .
"Весна и Северный ветер"
Social Quest is a series of events, aimed at developing positive civil activity through social projecting. This is a project co-organised by the Agency of social investment and innovation, Kaissa, Taganka children's fund and Living Cities Forum. The project is funded by the grant from the city of Moscow Committee of Public Connections for socially-oriented NGOs. The project includes strategic sessions for people, who are prepared to start their own social project and provision of support by project teams for the duration of 2 months. The project aims to attract 60 activists and achieve 30 ready to launch social projects as the result. The work is divided into three strands: My neighbourhood (for projects in the interests of the local community), My family (for projects in the interests of families and children), My city (for the city-level projects). Taganka children's fund is involved in the My family strand of work and launches its participation in March 2017. Everyone is invited to learn more and get involved.
Социальный квест. Присоединяйтесь!
The Public Council of the parents of disabled children and young people of Taganka district in Central Moscow in partnership with Taganka children's fund and State Center for social support to family and children "Semiya" has piloted a new format of event on the 3rd of March at the library of the Prefect of the Central region of Moscow. The event took place at 5 Novospassky per. and aimed at families with disabled children. The event has been devoted to the International Women's Day on the 8th of March. Attending families have received a lot of new information about available social and educational support services in Moscow, opportunities for integration of their children into the society. The inclusive theatre company Taganka shed and Warm-hearted workshop have organised master-classes for the participants.
Мероприятие нового формата
We heartily thank students-volunteers from the All-Russian academy of external trade of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation for the wonderfully organised celebration of the Pancake day, sincere care and positive emotions that they have shown to the children and young people of Rostochek group during joint activities. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Празднование Масленицы в группе "Росточек".
The Public Council of the parents of disabled children and young people with disabilities of Taganka district in Moscow in cooperation with Taganka children's fund and the centre for social support to family and children Semiya will be holding an event on the occasion of the International Women's Day on the 3rd March 2017 at 4pm at the Library of the Central district Prefecture (5 Novospassky per.) for families with disabled children. The main aim of the event is to inform families with disabled children about available social and educational resources of the city of Moscow, to assist in socialisation and integration of disabled children into the society. The event will include master-classes of the Inclusive theatre company Taganka shed and Warm-hearted workshop, non-government organisation Alley of Kindness and consultations of educational and leisure centers as well as a concert and entertainment programme. The event is unique in a way that it has been initiated by the parents of disabled children, who united together and formed a Council to take any necessary steps to help build a constructive and constant dialogue with representatives of the executive and legislative authorities in order to help their children learn music, arts, literature and creativity as well as help unite all those parties who care about the problems of the disabled members of society.
Приглашаем семьи с детьми-инвалидами
Warm-hearted workshop has presented its unique produce at the Mendelssohn show on the 17-19 February 2017 in Tishinka trading centre. The workshop is welcoming new participants willing to train and join the team of craftswomen. For more information and to sign up, please call +7(495)369-00-34. The classes take place at Bolshoi Fakelny pereulok 9/11. This project is being realised in the framework of Self-Help programme supported by CatFoundation and the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).
Мастерская "Сердечно" на Мендельсон Шоу
Programme director of TCF Sergey Bodrov has presented the Fund's programme "Territory of solidarity - Together for the support of Family" at the Social Audit of family and children organisations by the Department of labour and social protection of the Central district of the city of Moscow on the 16th of February. The main discussion focused on the algorithm of cooperation between the state organisations and socially oriented NGOs with the aim to improve the conditions for families with children. The Programme is being realized by the Taganka children's fund and funded by the subsidy of the Committee of public connections of the city of Moscow.
Алгоритм взаимодействия
The inclusive theatre company Taganka shed is welcoming the Pancake week by the performance on the 16th February on the stage of the hospitable Centre for children's creative arts Dinaoda.
Встречаем Масленицу
Taganka children's fund would like to offer its heartfelt thanks to the students of the Department of Government management of the Moscow Foreign Affairs University for their invaluable support to the families with disabled children. Children in Rostochek group cannot stop remembering the wonderful celebration organised by the students for them just before the New Year. During this interaction two separate worlds have crossed the boundaries and have joined together. This was the first such meeting, and we think that the students have approached this task very responsibly and left so many wonderful memories. Thank you very much! Our special thanks go to the people who helped this come true: Aigul Musina and Ilona Ilyasova. We look forward to future meetings with you!
Сердечно благодарим студентов МГИМО

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