The inclusive theatre company Taganka Shed is pleased to invite to its play on the occasion of the Pancake festival, which is based on the ancient Slavic traditions. The plot focuses on a group of teenage friends who travel in time to the time of our ancestors. They will face challenges tackling the pagan winter goddess and freeing the sun. Everyone who will attend will have a chance to learn more about our ancient traditions, not just pancake-eating. We look forward to see you on the 16th February at 4pm in the House of childrens arts Dinaoda (Philipovsky per. 8 bld. 1, metro Kropotkinskaya).
Приглашаем на спектакль " Масленица-Комоедица "
The theatre association "The Union of Taganka Actors" invites their little friends to take part in the drawing competition The Art of the Little Spectator. When you return home from the theatre performance, overwhelmed by what you have just seen, the pencil or the painting brush can become your magic wand. All parents know about the importance of drawing in the creative development of the child. This exciting way of getting your head round what you have just seen, to discuss important meanings of things, to learn about the world in the way that suits the little person. All children like drawing. And the Union of Taganka Actors loves its little spectators, that is why they launched this competition. When the results have been announced, the exhibition of the drawings will take place both in the theatre and in the premises of Taganka children's fund. The best drawings will be displayed. Partner-organisations include internet-portal Leisure activities with Children, the Moscow House of Books, Taganka children's fund and the Centre for social support to family and children - Semya(Family). For additional information, please contact tel. +74959151024 or email
Конкурс рисунка "Искусство маленького зрителя"
On 19th January Taganka children fund's programme director Sergey Borzov has participated in the Moscow Family-2017 dialogue platform of the Public Chamber of Moscow, which has brought together social organisations of the Department of labour and social protection of the population of Moscow working with families and children and socially-oriented NGOs - winners of the grant competition of the Committee for Public connections of Moscow. Sergey Borzov has presented Taganka children's fund programme "The Territory of Solidarity - together to help family" at the event.
Московская семья - 2017
Taganka children's fund is pleased to announce that it has won a competition for funding from the Committee of the Public Connections of Moscow for its programme "The territory of solidarity - together to help family", which aims to combine resources available for social work with families and children.
Победитель конкурса социально значимых проектов
We are very pleased to announce that the programme director of Taganka children's fund Sergey Bodrov has been elected as the deputy chairman of the Public Expert Council for Family and Children issues at the Department of labour and social protection of populations of the city of Moscow. The election took place on the 12th January 2017, the meeting was chaired by the director of the Department T. Barsukova (pictured).
Общественный экспертный совет
We are pleased to announce one of the easiest and quickest ways to support Taganka children's fund projects via Yandex.Money service. Our code is
New Year is the most amazing and magic holiday of the year for children in Russia. Many children are looking forward to the NY celebrations more than to their own birthdays, because this is the magic night when Father Frost comes to them and fulfils their most wanted wishes. For over 15 years students of the Anglo-American school in Moscow have been making amazing gifts to the children in care of Taganka children's fund. Thanks to their care and support, every child at Taganka children's fund always receives a surprising gift in time for New Year. bringing them lots of joy, happiness, amazement and fills their holidays with magic. We would like to offer our most sincere thanks to the students, parents and staff at the Anglo-American school in Moscow for the magic they have once again shared with the kids at Taganka children's fund! Thank you!
Спасибо за Новогоднее чудо!
The new play Festive stories from Father Frost by the inclusive theatre Taganka shed was an amazing present to all friends of Taganka children's fund. The plot about the difficulties of magic characters and how they did everything possible to overcome them was developed and realised by the kids themselves with the help of their talented teachers: Alexey Vasuykov, Yaroslava Sokolovskaya, Vita Moroz, Varvara Habibulina and Ekaterina Zhogleva. We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to Dinaoda centre for children's arts, who have been a wonderful host for the Taganka shed and provided their stage for the performance.
Новогодний подарок от "Таганка Шед"
Inclusive theatre Taganka shed invites you to come see its new performance Festive stories from Father Frost on the 22nd December 2016. In a magic holiday story we will experience traditional celebrations as well as magic encounters with New Year machine that produces decorations and multiple fantasy creatures who will have to overcome a number of challenges to reach a happy final! Please join us in the House of children's creative arts Dinaoda at Filipovsky per. 8 bld. 1 (metro Kropotkinskaya). We look forward to see you there!
Приглашаем на спектакль "Новогодние истории Деда Мороза"
Quoting the well-known poem by Nikolay Zabolotsky: "Do not let your soul be lazy! So that you are not held behind, Your soul must work hard Both day and night, both day and night!" We all know these lines very well from early childhood days, but how often do we think about them and what they really mean? In the age of free-flowing information and new technologies, consumerist society and race to get knowledge and diplomas, people tend to forget about the very important part of each person - our inner development. Kindergarten, school, multiple educational groups teach kids to behave in a very restricted way: this is what is right and this is what is wrong. This is what you need to do to get "satisfactory" marks at school and this is what you need to do to get "excellent". In such system the child loses the ability to make decisions independently, to express their individuality. But remember, each person has a personality. That is why the aim of Taganka shed inclusive theatre company is first of all to develop the personality, to help the children learn to make their own decisions, to evaluate circumstances, to share emotions with the surrounding world and to not conform to the system just because. They learn to find a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult, and to stop waiting for someone to do it for them, while they stand lonely in the corner unprotected and unequipped with skills to do it themselves. Theatre also develops communicative skills, respectful attitude to what others do, to their opinions. The child can learn to present themselves and to behave freely, to be part of the team as the theatre is always one big family. Of course, we do not expect all our theatre company members to become professional actors, though some of them are already members of Moscow Theatres companies, which we are tremendously proud of. But they will certainly find it easier to find their way in life, to be more confident, open, communicative and interesting members of society.
От Команды Инклюзивного театра "Таганка Шед"
New techniques in education and preventive work with dysfunctional families have been chosen as directions supported by the government think-tank Agency of strategic initiatives at the Social Initiatives working group meeting, that took place on 28 November led by Elena Nikolaeva. The project is headed by Sergey Borzov, the programme director of Taganka children's fund. It aims to improve the quality of social services provided to families and children at risk, to prevent social orphanhood through effective partnership between socially oriented NGOs, state organisations and civil society actors. Its main priority is protecting the rights and lawful interests of children. The model presented has many levels of involvement, based on the introduction of new techniques into the system of social organisations responsible for preventive work. One more important aspect is the educational work and further development training of the specialists working in this area and provision of supervision. This model uses the systematic approach, works on the constant basis and is supported by necessary regulations in place.
Проект «Внедрение инновационной модели профилактики семейного неблагополучия Томской области»
In Russia, Mother's day has been celebrated also recently. It has been established by the order of the RF President number 120 "On Mother's Day" from the 30th January 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This day has a special place among multiple holidays celebrated in Russia. This is the day to say warm and grateful words to all Mothers, who give children love, kindness, care and tenderness. On the 24th November 2016 kids from the Preschool, Choir and Jazz vocals groups have prepared a concert for their parents, with which they wanted to say Thank you, dearest of all! Taganka children's fund sincerely hopes that children will say many more kind words to their mothers on this and other days to come!
День матери в Таганском детском фонде
There are many various issues, deep and serious problems that trouble the kids and, when not tackled timely, will remain unsolved, ruin children's psyche and become the source of constant misbehaviours and unexplained diseases. When the kids get involved in creative activities, they effectively open up new skills, develop their creative self, take more initiative and develop as personalities. While playing through various situations, the child can look at the problems from the different point of view, can evaluate his or her reaction to it, change attitudes, develop values and start treating people differently. The child discovers new opportunities to build relations with others and express themselves as well as becoming a better person. The highly skilled team of Taganka children's fund will help children and teenagers find their hidden issues, take them to the surface and tackle them, while learning to communicate better, make contact with people, understand others better and accept themselves and others as they are. Every child has a talent. We invite children and teenagers from 7 to 17 years old to the free classes of Taganka shed inclusive theatre. The classes take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Marksistsky per. 3. Please call us on +7 495 9117429 or +7 495 9117449 to find out more.
Вовлечение детей в активную творческую деятельность – эффективное средство помощи детям в преодолении самых разных проблем
The "Warmhearted" studio has produced a set of puppets to order by the Centre of social support to family and children "Semya". Now the kids have a new theatre to play with. The studio now takes individual orders too. It also welcomes new participants to come and join the team. If you have any questions or would like to join the studio, please call +7 495 3690034. The classes take place at Bolshoi Fakelny pereulok, 9/11. This activities are realised by the Taganka children's fund within the framework of Help yourselves project of the Charitable programme of support to NGOs and physical persons by invitation from CAF Russia and with support of CAF foundation (Charities Aid Foundation).
Кукольный театр руками наших мастериц
In spite of the weather outside, Rostochek group for children with disabilities has recently held a celebration of autumn. Participants have been sharing poetry on autumn themes, sang songs and danced with autumn leaves, made during one of their workshops. And most importantly, they have performed the play by V. Suteev called "Under the mushroom cap".
Праздник осени в группе "Росточек".
The year 2017 will be the year of the Fiery Rooster according to the eastern calendars. You can find all sorts of roosters among our children's toys and Xmas decorations. Not all of them are fiery, but we promise, they are all magical! Please order yours today by e-mailing: or calling +7(495)369-00-34
Мастерская "Сердечно" готовится к Новому году.
Taganka children’s fund invites you to take part in a charitable project “DOING GOOD WITH A POSTCARD FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON 2017”. By joining in, you will not only be able to congratulate your friends, colleagues, partners and clients with upcoming winter holidays with the help of our beautifully designed cards, but also help families in need, including single-parent, large families and families with disabled children or parents in them.
Добрая открытка к Новому 2017 году
The crafty participants of the "Warmhearted" workshop are already making Christmas decorations, and we are now ready to offer them for sale. Who wants to buy some for the coming festive season? All decorations are handmade of cloth, which makes them safe for little children, as there are no little beads and marbles, all pieces are safely secured on the cloth. Also you can buy a Xmas tree made of cloth from us and decorate it together with you little one. All products for sale is available on our website -
Проект "Помоги себе сам!"
Charitable foundation "Children's World" invites you and your kids to the launch of the family comedy "Adventures of the mad professor", 0+. The event will take place on the 31st of October at 1pm in the flagship Children's World shop at 10 Vozdvizhenka street. The film will be presented by the actors Mark Bogatyrev, Artyom Fadeev and Zhenya Malakhova. You will have an opportunity to meet the actors, participate in the signing session, see the trailor presentation and receive a small present from our foundation. Please sign up by calling +7 495 911 74 49
The inclusive theatre Taganka shed continues enrolment of children 7 to 15 years old into junior and middle groups. The classes take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5pm till 7pm at Marksistsky per. 3. You will get an opportunity to try your acting skills, to overcome public speaking fears, to develop your creativity, communication skills, speech and the most important - to have fun in the friendly environment and find new friends. We look forward to welcome you soon! The new play is ready to be staged!
Приглашаем на занятия в "Таганка Шед"

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